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I just started a new book called Rocket Boys by Homer H. Hickams Jr. I have read 54 pages. So far it is pretty good. I like it becuase, I build rockets and it is fun to read about other peoples expierces of building rockets.

I'm still ready rocket boys. I'm on page 72. It's still going good. For me the reading is pretty easy. Right now the character is in the proccess of building his first rocket. I like comparing my expierces to his.

Now I'm on page 168. The reading is going good for me. The rocket boys have been experimenting with different fuels. They have discovered a fuel which they call rocket candy, because it smells like fudge, which is the best fuel so far. I think it is interesting to see the procces that the rocket boys are using. They are using trial and erro, and logical thinking. I use the same procces to design build and test my water rockets.

In the chapter that I just read the main character went into the mine. It reminded me of the short stories that we wrote. The auther used alot of showing sentences which help me to realy see what was happening. I am really enjoying reading this book.
The reading is going pretty good. The author discription really make me feel like I am there. I can feel the strugle going on in the story.
I just finished the book. I would say that this was one of my favorite books. I could realy relate to the book, because of my expierences building water rockets. Also I thought the author's way of telling the story really brought me in.

Entry 1

I just started a new book 2001 A Space Oddessy by Author C. Clark. So far the reading is going good. I saw the movie and I didn't understand any of it. I am hopeing that maybe by reading the book it will help me to understand what happend in the movie.

Entry 2

The book started out slow, but as I got farther into the book the pace began to pick up. This book is different from most books, and at times can be a little confusing. Though I think I have a handle on it.

Entry 3

I am still reading 2001 A Space Odyssey. I have noticed that 2001, and Fahrenheit 451 is similar in that they both deal with the future and human society. I think it is interesting to compare the two books.

Entry 4

This is an interesting book because the author has an interesting idea of evolution. Also I noticed that he wrote the book one year before the U.S. landed two astronauts on the moon. I am wondering if the space race inspired him to write the book.

Entry 5

I am pretty far into the book. The pace of the book has picked up. It has also began to get more interesting. Aboard the ship there is a computer which has the intelligents of a human. The computer is designed not to make any mistakes and to head the mission. When the computer starts going wacko the book begins to get intersting. I like the intesity of the book and I think it is interesting how the main character deals with the situation.

Entry 6

Now the main character is all alone millions of miles from the nearest human. THe onboard computer Hal has gone assasin and murdered the rest of the crew. I think it is amazing that the main character was able to keep calm. I think that most people in this situation would have completly lost there nerve.

Entry 7

Now he has entered into what seems to be a wirmwhol. He is in a hotle room exactly like on earth. He thinks he is be watch that this must be some kind of test. He relizes that the alien species has made this room from what they have seen in movies. He goes asleep and when he wakes up he is a baby. This last part of the book was very simbloic. I think that when he is reborn this represents a new age of humanity. The book starts off with the man-apes. They are guided by some unknow inteligent. I think that 2001 is an interesting way at looking at the evolution of mankind.

Entry 8

I just read an article about the probes going to mars. I remeber reading about the probes six month ago. It is amazing how quickly time flies. I thought that it was interesting that I finished the book just before the first U.S. probes reach mars. Also I think that it is interesting that the U.S. sent out a probe on almost exactly the same course as the spaceship traveled in the book.

Entry 9

I just started a new book; the Coalwood Way by Homer H. Hicham. I have only read 43 pages and the book is already interesting. This book is not only about rockes but also about the life of Homer and his rocket buddies. This is what makes the book interesting. It is about a real person and his relation ship with his friends, his father, mother, teachers, and church person. So far the book is exelent and I would highly recommend reading any of Homers books.

Entry 1

I just finished reading the Coalwood Way by Homer Hickam and started 20,000 legeas under the sea by Juels Vern. So for the book is interesting. I have read several books by Jules Vern and I have noticed that he is verg good at predicting predicting things that will having in the futere such as gooing to the moon. I thought it was interesting that the characters in the book thought that the samarine thing was a monster.

Entry 2

I am still reading 20 leagues under the sea. I am still enjoying the book. I think that the book has a entertaining plot. This book is similar to other books writing by Juels Vern. This book is written in fist person which I think was an intersting choice that the author make. This makes me feel like I am in the book with the other characters

Entry 3

I have been pretty busy with lacroose and venturing and haven't had much time reading. I am enjoying reading 20 leages under the sea. I am now on the second part and am looking foward to getting back to the book.

Entry 4

I started a new book called the pendulum. I can't remeber the name of the author. It is about a young scientist living in Paris called Foulcalt. He thinks that he can prove that the earth rotates with his pendulum. I wanted to read it because I thought it looked like an interestng book, and I am interested in science. The book also gives backgrund on people who tried to solve this problem before him. It is intersting to see how and why these scientist failed. At this time the church still believed that the earth was the center of the Universe and that everthing revolved around it. They did not treat kindly to those who went against their belife. It is interesting to see the conflict against science and the church.

Entry 5

I am still reading Pendulum. I think it is interesting to campare and contrast the life of Fualcalt and the life of my Dad. There are alot of similarities between them. For example neither has been educated in science or physics, yet both are comming up with revolutionary ideas to explain the physical world. There are also differences. Faulcalt had time to do his experiments. My dad has lots of things distracting him, such as a job, lacrosse games, he is now the head of the roofing comitee, and water rockets. Yet he still manages to do his physics. He just gave a talk on his theory, and is working on publishing a paper about his theory.

Entry 6

Besides reading Pendulum I have also been reading newspapers and magazines. I am interested in space and aviation so I read articles on these subjects. Recently I read a article about going back to the old design of capsuls vs. winged craft. What I found interesting about the article is NASA called up a 60 year old rocket scientist and asked him if he could put together a team and discuse the idea of capsuls. He was the youngest guy on the team. The amazing thing was all these guys remebered everthing about capsuls. (They were the guys who designed the capsul that brought back the the austronauts back from the moon. They had no computers, just pencil and paper.

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